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A survey of the effectiveness of centralized consilia in providing advice on drug-resistant TB (2024)

A Vasquez, C Mitnick, AU Nyaruhirira, C-Y Chiang, CR Horsburgh


Progress in the Fight Against DR-TB (2024)

For World TB Day 2024, we report recent DR-TB achievements and challenges.


Annual Report (2023)

Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2023, as well as sets goals for 2024.


Clinical implications of molecular drug resistance testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a 2023 TBnet/RESIST-TB consensus statement (2023)

Domínguez, J., Boeree, M. J., Cambau, E., Chesov, D., Conradie, F., Cox, V., Dheda, K., Dudnyk, A., Farhat, M. R., Gagneux, S., Grobusch, M. P., Gröschel, M. I., Guglielmetti, L., Kontsevaya, I., Lange, B., van Leth, F., Lienhardt, C., Mandalakas, A. M., Maurer, F. P., Merker, M., … TBnet and RESIST-TB networks


Progress in the Fight Against DR-TB (2023)

For World TB Day 2023, we report the achievements and challenges in DR-TB across the past couple of years. 


Global availability of susceptibility testing for second-line anti-tuberculosis agents (2022)

A. Lazarchik, A. U. Nyaruhirira, C-Y. Chiang, F. Wares, C. R. Horsburgh, Jr.


Annual Report (2022)

Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2022, as well as sets goals for 2023.


Annual Report (2021)

Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2021, as well as sets goals for 2022.


Annual Report (2020)

Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2020, as well as sets goals for 2021.


Progress in the roll-out of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatments (May 2020)

M. Heng, S. Allmendinger, C-Y. Chiang, A. Trébucq, C. R. Horsburgh


Annual Report (2019)

Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2019, as well as sets goals for 2020.


Progress in global rollout of new multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatments (September 2019)

K. Held, S. McAnaw, C-Y. Chiang, A. Trebucq, C. R. Horsburgh, Jr.


​Insights into drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment: results of The Union DR-TB Working Group Survey (September 2018)

K. Mezwa, S. McAnaw, C-Y. Chiang, A. Trébucq, C. R. Horsburgh


Palliative care and symptom relief for people affected by multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (August 2019)

A State of the Art Article Krakauer, E. L.; Dheda, K.; Kalsdorf, B.; Kuksa, L.; Nadkarni, A.; Nhung, N. V.; Selwyn, P.; Shin, S.; Skrahina, A.; Jaramillo, E.


Tackling drug-resistant tuberculosis: we need a critical synergy of product and process innovations (July 2019)

A State of the Art Article, E. A. Talbot, M. Pai


Management of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (June 2019)

A State of the Art Article, C. Lange, R. E. Aarnoutse, J. W. C. Alffenaar, G. Bothamley, F. Brinkmann, J. Costa, D. Chesov, R. van Crevel, M. Dedicoat, J. Dominguez, R. Duarte, H. P. Grobbel, G. Gunther, L. Guglielmetti, J. Heyckendorf, A. W. Kay, O. Kirakosyan, O. Kirk, R. A. Koczulla, G. G. Kudriashov, L. Kuksa, F. van Leth, C. Magis-Escurra, A. M. Mandalakas, B. Molina-Moya, C. A. Peloquin, M. Reimann, R. Rumetshofer, H. S. Schaaf, T. Sch ¨on, S. Tiberi, J. Valda, P. K. Yablonskii, K. Dheda


Series editors: Horsburgh, C. R; Lange, C.; Mitnick, C


Health care gaps in the global burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis (February 2019)

A State of the Art Article, Cox V.; Cox, H.; Pai, M.; Stillo, J.; Citro, B.; Brigden, G.


The MDR-TB epidemic—a status report (February 2019)

Horsburgh C. R.; Mitnick, C. D.; Lange, C.


What will it take to eliminate drug-resistant tuberculosis? (May 2019)

A State of the Art Article, Kendall E. A.; Sahu, S.; Pai, M.; Fox, G. J.; Varaine, F.; Cox, H.; Cegielski, J. P.; Mabote, L.; Vassall, A.; Dowdy, D. W.


Treatment as prevention and other interventions to reduce transmission of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis A. (April 2019) 

State of the Art Article, Nathavitharana R. R.; Lederer, P.; Tierney, D. B.; Nardell, E.


Annual Report (2018)

Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2018, as well as sets goals for 2019.


Results of The Union DR-TB Working Group Surveys, 2017 and 2018

Horsburgh C.R., Chiang C-Y, Trébucq A, Mezwa K, Held K


Has compassionate use ever sunk a drug? (February 2018)

Mcanaw S, Muller A, Mitnick C, Horsburgh C.R.


Community engagement for paediatric MDR-TB clinical trials: principles to support ethical trial implementation (September 2017)

Hoddinott G, Staples S, Brown R, Simwinga M, Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa C, Hesseling AC, Hendricks G, De Koker P, McKenna L


Conducting efficacy trials in children with MDR-TB: what is the rationale and how should they be done? (May 2018)

Seddon JA, Weld ED, Schaaf HS, Garcia-Prats AJ, Kim S, Hesseling AC


Statistical considerations for pediatric multidrug-resistant tuberculosis efficacy trials (May 2018)

Kim S, Seddon JA, Garcia-Prats AJ, Montepiedra G


Current status of pharmacokinetic and safety studies of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in children (May 2018)

Garcia-Prats AJ, Svensson EM, Weld ED, Schaaf HS, Hesseling AC


Preclinical tools for the evaluation of tuberculosis treatment regimens for children (May 2018)

Tucker EW, Dooley KE


The burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children (May 2018)

Jenkins HE, Yuen CM


MDR-TB in children: back to the basics (May 2018)

Horsburgh C.R, Gupta A


Annual Report (2017)

 Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2017, as well as sets goals for 2018.


Insights into drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment: results of The Union DR-TB Working Group Survey, 2017 (September 2018)

Mezwa K, McAnaw S, Chiang C-Y, Trébucq A, Horsburgh C.R


RESIST-TB Site Development Report and Site Development Tool (2017)

The Site Development Report outlines efforts to expand the number of possible MDR-TB clinical trial sites in areas with access to patients and interest in becoming trial sites. RESIST-TB  developed a Site Development Tool to determine whether those sites either had adequate capacity or needed site development activity.


Annual Report (2016)

 Our Annual Report details the progress that each working group made in 2016, as well as sets goals for 2017.


Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: An Updated Research Agenda (May 2016)

 There are numerous challenges in delivering appropriate treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and the evidence base to guide those practices remains limited. This piece presents the third updated Research Agenda for the programmatic management of drug-resistant TB (PMDT), assembled through a literature review and survey.


Global MDR-TB Clinical Trials Landscape Meeting Supplement

(2016) Based on the results of the first global MDR-TB Clinical Trials Landscape meeting held in 2014, this supplement includes a collection of manuscripts that address key topics including both methodological issues and agent-specific reports. These articles provide an in-depth discussion of the rationale behind current MDR-TB clinical trials as well as important insights to drive future research.


Monitoring Compassionate Use of New Drugs for Tuberculosis

 With support from the Firland Foundation, RESIST-TB investigated mechanisms for accessing drugs prior to regulatory approval and surveyed key providers and advocates on their experience attempting to gain access to new TB drugs through compassionate use or similar pre-approval mechanisms. The findings from this project are detailed in this report, “Monitoring Compassionate Use of New Drugs for Tuberculosis.


Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Clinical Trials: Proposed Core Research Definitions in Adults (March 2016)

 Presents a core set of efficacy and safety definitions as well as other important considerations in DR-TB clinical trials work.


Clinical Implications of Molecular Drug Resistance Testing for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: A TBNET/RESIST-TB Consensus Statement

Proposes that reports of molecular DST results should include information on specific mutations that affect resistance to chose an appropriate treatment regimen.


Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: An Updated Research Agenda (May 2016)

Identifies priorities for coordinated research in PMDT that could fill longstanding gaps barring expanded treatment access, including: shorter treatment regimens, knowledge of disease burden without representative data, and treatment for latent TB infection in household contacts of known DR-TB patients.



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